on the eve of the departure, ah, yes on the eve of the departure….

finished getting the items for the journey today. my parents were very helpful. we went out for mama’s pizza this evening, watching the olympics on my dad’s computer afterwards,  we three lounging in one bed. now they are asleep at 11:11, needing to wake early for my mom’s flight. and i have finished cleaning out the nooks of the sun room i’ve lived in for the past 7 months, having a list of things to do in the morning and a pile of things to organize to put with the pack items which will fit into the trailer.

i am reflecting on much this evening. here are a few gems i’ve come across:

Iesha sent me a video with this inspiring quote in it:

We can vision a different reality
Once we can vision it within us then we can live it
Once we can live it within us then we can radiate it to others
And this is the power that we have
~Aida Shibly, Palestinian Bedouin peace activist

And some thoughts on possibility, letting the magic in and storying from these two sources:

http://thedirectionofintention.com/ – i find this blog especially keen on this evening. very synchronistic.


I want to include a few closing photos for this chapter. Tonight I am missing the community garden Iesha and I have loved so much, HaBEEb, our beloved garden. A space where many people have come to create art, relax, play, move materials, plant herbs, veggies, flowers, be together, and share our yields. It’s been a huge growth opportunity for me to experiment, lead, and materialize garden and community organizing skills I have gained over the past few years. I’ve had so much fun creating and being a part of the growing process. I have a lot of thanks for Iesha for co-creating through all of this and for her family for sharing the space and giving us such freedom.

our hugelkultur experiments turned out well; our tomatoes are coming in by the dozens daily.

i love how this simple color spruced up the gate into the garden. a pathway into magic and mystery.

My friends have asked me what I have gleaned from my time here and I think more than anything I have gained the confidence in expression, more freedom in expressing myself creatively. Having the space at HaBEEb, a place to experiment and create Anything has been such a gift. With the support of this community and many hours spent doodling, painting, drawing, and crafting, I have gained more experience making art and so feel more comfortable expressing myself, in whatever form this spirit wants to come out. I feel this is an invaluable tool, one in the making for some time, and I am excited as it continues to grow, daily. I have also been able to love something into being. That is why I will miss HaBEEb so much. I love this earth and in tending it and creating here, I have grown attached.

iesha, oso, and i

friends at the community barnraising @ habeeb

ginko and oso as we create in the chill space @ habeeb

side garden with community art pieces for trellising @ habeeb

same picture perspective as the first picture posted of the current hugelkultur with tomatoes. this is from march when we dug the hole and filled it with wood in preparation for the hugelkultur, and placed cardboard in preparation to suppress the grass. it’s incredible to compare the transformation!


Cheers to all of this creating, loving and co-habitating. I’m so thankful for this opportunity, and I pray the tomatoes find good digestive homes and that the space continues to host and inspire much growth. The figs are splitting at the seams, the grapes and tomatoes are hanging like bottom heavy dew droplets, and the pomegranates have reached maximum size and are slowly reddening. The seasons are cycling in so many ways here and the yield of the earth is abundant. Abundant blessings, my friends.  My heart is full. We continue on.

perspective; haBEEB in march, 2012.